The chaotic life and times of runner/actress/teenager.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Postcard #2: Running Down the Walk of Fame
When you walk up to the Chinese Theatre on , there’s generally a crowd – a large crowd – of tourists gathered in front, taking pictures of the hand prints and foot prints left behind in the concrete by the stars of Hollywood. So when I suggested that my mom and I check out a movie in the famous theatre this evening, we anticipated a large crowd.
However, it was anything but packed. Okay, it was a Tuesday night… but it’s the Chinese Theatre! I suppose the outside is more popular than the theatre itself. There were only a handful of people in the actual auditorium we were in. The place was beautiful… and the seats were comfortable! We went to go see Soul Surfer… one my mom and I could agree on. Throughout the entire (inspirational) film, I couldn’t help but think how much it relates to running, and the obstacles ahead of each of us. We all are presented with challenges and may not understand our own true potential until we push out of our comfort zone.
Besides spending two hours in a theatre, we also toured Warner Brother’s Studio and the Kodak Theatre.
The treadmill at the hotel is out of order, and I’m not exactly comfortable running for miles and miles in a foreign area. But I did find a loop that seems safe, which takes me a total of 2 ½ to 3 minutes to run. I may have to run it multiple, multiple times to get a full run in, however I don’t mind running right beside the Kodak Theatre… I’m very literally running down the Walk of Fame.
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